
from: (786) 519-3709
Panasonic GH2 with 20mm 1.7f lens - $1200 (utah county)Hello seller,is your item still available for sell ??
Yes, your lucky day, it is! However I'm going to put a mild voodoo curse on the item, hope you like surprises.
could you please get back to me with your final last price of the item?
$300 bones and the mildly cursed item is yours!
Thanks you so much for that and may i know the actual condition of the unit
Perfect condition. Flawless even. And I bet you are wondering about the curse right? Nothing to worry about really, nothing fatal or even uncomfortable, it simply gives the person who touches this item, permanent erectile dysfunction. Do we still have a deal?
Sound good,I will love to purchase your item for a friend who went on a tour to see some exhibition in Africa and.i am willing to offer you $380 USD for both the item price plus shipping cost by the way do you have paypal account for me to make the payment and if you on webcam i will love you to few pics of the item for a view thanks and God bless.
Well I am relieved to see that you are not at all concerned about the curse. Most men would never willingly put their manhood at risk. Sorry no webcam but here is my paypal account - flaccid.forever@gmail.com


from:  (518) 285-0047
Hello i wanna make inquiry on your ad Panasonic GH2 with 20mm 1.7f lens - $1200 !!!do you still have this unit available for sale in good condition???what is your final asking price??i wanna buy..
Ya here is the thing. I sold it to hilter and he said hes coming for you.
Are you sure???
Pretty sure he said that. Good luck man.
ok man 
What you don't believe me? Dude I swear he said that.
 forget that man....dont have time for that....