
from: henry george (hgeorgee2@gmail.com)
is this item still available for sale? please email me back
It is still for sale. Now go suck on a car battery, then we can deal.
Is this item still in good working condition??..I would haveloved to come over to your place to take a look at it but my work does
not give me the opportunity to do so.I want to get this package for my
fiancee as a Birthday gift and would be paying you $1500 plus shipping to
her.I really want to get this for her now and as a surprise gift and i
will be willing to make the payment using PayPal,I have a verified
account with PayPal.So get back to me with your paypal email address
so that i can make the payment right away..Hope to read from you
You didn't really suck on a car battery did you. I am disappointed.

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