scammer: --
Let me know if the items you posted on craigslist still for sale?
Still for sale douchebag, whats it to ya?
Thanks for the prompt response to my mail.I will be buying the itemfrom you so please kindly withdraw the advert from CRAIGSLIST.and i
will be paying you via bank certified check from my Bank and the
payment will be delivered to you via United Parcel Service (UPS or
FEDEX) and i will like you to get back to me with the following
information to facilitate the mailing out the check to you... kindly
get back to me with the..
Name to be on the payment...........
Home address...........
Zip Code..............
Cell phone #................
I will make arrangements for the pick up as soon as you have your
money I am completely satisfied with the advert and the payment will
be delivered within 2-3 working days.** I use a hearing impaired phone
# and will receive your calls via email ** N.B UPS and FEDEX does not
deliver to a P.O box addresses.Thank you
Name to be on the payment...........Satan
Home address...........Will
Zip Code..............Entire
Cell phone #................ Family
this is my new favorite!!
johnny bowell
6:22 PM (24 minutes ago)
to me
Thanks for the prompt response to my mail. I will be buying from you
so please kindly withdraw the advert from C.LIST. Please be informed
that i will be paying with a certified check from my Bank it will be
delivered to you via United Parcel Service (UPS or FED EX), so I'll
need you to provide me with the following information to facilitate
the mailing of the check...
Name to be on the payment...........
Home address...........
Zip Code..............
Cell phone #................
I will make arrangements for the pick up as soon as you have your
money I am completely satisfied with the advert and the payment will
be delivered within 2-3 working days.** I use a hearing impaired phone
# and will receive your calls via email ** N.B UPS and FED EX does not
deliver to a P.O box addresses.Thank you.
response-you can stop now asshole. so sick of these people.
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