
from: jerry turteltaub

I was just browsing through the web when i came across your advert,i will like to know if the advert is still up for sale,and i will also like you to please get back to me with the present condition and the last asking price so payment can be made out immediately. I await your swift responce to my mail Have a blissful day

my response:

Excellent Jerry! The advert IS still up for sale. The present condition is also excellent! The last asking price is 400 dollars American. Thanks and I WILL have a blissful day!

cheers back

ps Jerry you sorry excuse of a man! You slime! You absolute dishonest trash of the earth! I hope you die a slow and painful death! I hope all that you care about is taken from you! I hope you are reduced to eat the dust from honest people's shoes. I hope you one day soon, find yourself in a low and miserable state of knowing you threw your life away. I despise you.


JethRobyn said...

umm...anger issues?

Unknown said...

no i just wish that scammers would take their own lives. because they are a waste of intelligence.